

Tall not short, blonde not dark, brown not blue, happy not sad, shy not rude, London not Paris, chips not mash, red not white, Irish not English, catholic not Catholic, poached not scrambled, pearl not ruby, Vermeer not Van Gogh, liquorice not caramel, tulip not rose, dog not cat, sea not lake, poem not prose, hob nob, not jaffa, velvet not silk, feather not linen, robin not thrush, pear not apple, chevre not brie, Hardy not Dickens, Thackeray not Trollope, Debussy not Wagner, piano not violin, sand not snow, Empire not Louis, oak not ash, lime not lemon, fizz not flat, log not coal, steel not brass, and I love Christmas, but only once a year.

And now I can add: Oxford, not Cambridge.

BO’s favourite painting, and why he called his book

The Audacity to Hope



  1. Love the banner. Who is the artist? Looks like Lucian Freud meets Norman Rockwell meets Reubens.

  2. came to your blog via Maria ede weaving, you write beautifully and i will visit agin
    Trish x

    • luckyloom1 said 13 hours ago:

      Hello Kathleen,

      Popped over to your blog – you are a fantastic writer Kathleen. Will pop back again soon. Hope your studies go well.

      M xxx

  3. I love your describtion of yourself – very creative! Nice blog as well.

  4. You’re brilliant with words, Kathleen, simply magnificent. Louvre not Tate. da Vinci not Warhol.
    Thanks for the comment on my blog by the way. Coming from such a talented person I felt really flattered.

  5. Kudos to you. Great blog. Very creative.

  6. Very good blog. One of the few to mention Northwich, my original home town, though do I gather you are not a fan?!

    • Nothing wrong with Northwich that half a dozen bulldozers couldn’t fix,
      or tens of millions of gbp’s…!

  7. Like the blog. Your writing confuses me, which is good. That means I’m about to learn something.

    Be well, and at peace,


    • “Complexity can be felt as a stone in the shoe of good writing, yet complexity might be part of the writer’s long and sometimes stony journey to simplicity (…) Art conceals art… If we accept that writing makes you think, and that the formation of knowledge depends partly on the complex and often playful process of writing, then what role does the process of writing play on that moving edge of knowledge?”

      Confused? You will be!

  8. Have you been sneaking into my house to paint me while I am sleeping? I love Lucian Freud (is it he?) – almost makes me feel normal in the stomach department!

  9. Great description!

  10. wow! you write a lot and you have a nice blog. cheers!

  11. Enjoying your blog, particularly your self-description. All my best!

  12. By your self-description you have a lot in common with a lot of people!

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